Why to enrol to LBW?

The first years of professional activity are full of learning: job description, real tasks, interactions with colleagues, customers, partners, and seniors. Then come the time of choices in career; transitions, where new opportunities and their challenges, start to open up in front of us. It’s a period during which questions such as “who am I?”, “what do I want”, “where do I want to go” become part of the “what will be my next professional move”.

After some years, one can be promoted product/team/project or business leader/manager, and, suddenly, success ceases to be measured solely by personal performances alone. Moreover, it is requested from you to integrate your team’s work along with the vision of your organisation.

A leader simply sets clear expectations and equip his/her team members to carry them out.

Behind such seemingly simple sentence lies a lot of introspection, interpersonal influence, and organisational thinking. There are several personal development pieces of  advice and learning for leaders themselves. Though effective leadership also rest on developing others’ skills and talents.

In other words: “Leaders only win when the people around them succeed.

The Leadership in Business World program is aiming at addressing these transitions, equipping the participants with tools and processes that will:

  • engage them on a path for self-discovery,
  • build their capacity in creating and managing high performance teams
  • create opportunities for growing leadership skills in their teammates
  • take actions to drive organisational development

Group Mentoring Session